N0004: French Fusilier review (LEGO-compatible Aliexpress Napoleonic Wars Minifigure)

Aliexpress LEGO Compatible Minifigure French Fusilier N004, front view reviewed

In an attempt to pick up the short-lived series of reviews of the LEGO-Compatible Napoleonic Wars series, today we are going to look at the French Fusilier. These figures can be found on Aliexpress, and purchasing them through any links on this page supports this blog through the affiliate programme! 

As always, these figures come with amazingly detailed printing. all around the body. The figure is made up of a Shako showing an imperial eagle, a red pompom (or plume, if you prefer), red epaulets, a musket and bayonet.

The face is quite plain and is a generic clean-shaven neutral look which is perfect for the rank-and-file troops.  

The Shako has chords attached to it, but uses a single colour mode. Some enthusiasts have gone so far as to paint their chords themselves though, which does make them pop!

Most images that I've looked at suggest that French Fusiliers would not have had the red shoulderpads, and that this was reserved for Grenadiers. This is a simple fix however, and the figure looks good with or without the epolets. 

As always in this series, the great attention to detail has been taken by the designers to ensure that the printing continues seamlessly around the entire torso, so the crossbelt can be traced along the front, around the sides and across the back. The coat also transfers onto the legs. 

The left side features a bayonet sheaf. This is great when the figure is standing still, but does become a little distorted if the figure is in a walking pose with it visible! 

The backpack is reasonably the standard LEGO-style soldier back pack and does the job adequately. 

 The figure can be picked up as a single figure for as little as £1.35 ... as a single figure, or why not pick up a pack of 10 for £.9.42 at the time of writing? With prices like these, that battalion you dream of creating really isn't that far off!

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