New releases! French Lancers, Sachsen Ulhan, Egyptian Camel Lancer and Bavarian Uhlan! Where to buy?
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More LEGO-Compatible Napoleonic Wars figures have arrived on Aliexpress! You can flesh out your forces that are fighting for the Emperor through these four new figures. Read all about them and find out where to buy them below (just so you know, links to Aliexpress in this article are affiliate links - buying through these supports this blog at no extra cost to you!). You can start instantly by picking up a pack of all four! The figure that I'm most excited about is the French Lancer. This figure holds his lance with a two-coloured flag on the end, and has a new-style helmet. Whilst I'm pleased to add some Lancers to my French Army, I'd also like to try this helmet on some British Household Cavalry at Waterloo, or the plume could be painted red and work well for a French Carabiner. At the time of writing, a pack of four Lancers (or any of the others below) can be picked up in the best current deal on Aliexpress of £4.13 - plus tax and including free shipping. This works out better than the other limited sellers stocking them at this early stage, who are charging for shipping. |
On the Facebook (Napoleonic LEGO Minifigures) announcement, I along with a few others asked Ikuhana Seiji Ozawa, the spokesperson for the company that make these models whether Polish Lancers are on the Horizon, as probably the most famous variant of the Lancers that fought for the French, to which he indicated they would be in next year's releases.
A few of the community suggested that they felt the lance piece wasn't the right shape. I personally am impressed with it, especially the two-coloured flag, but if you are interested in something more slimline, you could pick up a long spear/lance similar to the one below from Aliexpress for £4.20 for a pack of five. This was kindly suggested by Guido Merry on the Seven Year War and Napoleonic LEGO Minifigures Facebook Page.
I must admit I've had to do some reading-up around the other releases, as they seem to be pretty specific unit types, rather than the more widely known ones that we've had so far!
The Sachsen Ulhan, were from Saxony and fought for Napoleon. This model seems pretty accurate to artwork of figures from the time, although the cuffs would have been better if they were green. The eyepatch is a nice touch, and I'm always impressed by the variety of faces across these figures. Again, he carries the same lance, with a different two-colour flag.
The Bavarian Uhlan fought for Napoleon in 1813 before defecting. This features what seems to be a Tschapka headpiece, which opens up a lot of possibilities for future release. I'm not convinced a lot of this model will sell as with the Saxon one above, especially as we don't have Bavarian infantry currently, but maybe there is a market for them!
However, there are some Bavarian stickers available from Woody's Minifig Customs on BrickStickerShop, which could be used to flesh-out a Bavarian style army!
The Egyptian Camel Legion Lancer completes the line-up. These were employed by Napoleon during his Egyptian campaign. The spectacles that the figure wears are really interesting, and we see a unique arm-printing design, as well as an elaborate torso and leg pattern. The relatively-blank shako may also be quite saught-after by those looking to recreate other armies from the period. Of course, you'll be needing a camel for each of them! They rode Bactrian Camels, which have two humps - you can buy a LEGO-Compatible Camel through this affiliate link, and support this website in doing so.
So, we have some exciting releases here, and the Emperor and his allies can field quite the cavalry division now! As Martin Evans commented however: "These are splendid, but I think Uxbridge might be getting a little impatient...". I really do hope that British Cavalry are on the horizon!
£4.13 for 4 figures of the various models is the best price I've found so far, from the limited selection of sellers who currently stock these on Aliexpress, but I'll be sure to update this page as soon as I find any other deals!
What do you think of these releases? Why not join the Napoleonic Bricks Facebook page, and let me know in the comments!
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