About Napoleonic Bricks

Hello and welcome to Napoleonic Bricks! The blog by a man with a particularly niche obsession with Lego and Lego-Compatible depictions of the Napoleonic Wars, and possibly the slightly wider Black Powder era.

In 2009, in my early twenties I rediscovered by passion for LEGO, starting the QuackingFilms stop motion animation channel, which has received nearly 3 million views in that time. I began a series called Brickington Sails Forth, about a LEGO Redcoat Captain and a band of misfits fighting pirates, in a Blackadder meets The Inbetweeners style. Around this time, I became interested in the history of the British army in the era of the redcoat - enjoying the stories of Sharpe and Hornblower. 

As my stop motion and storytelling skills improved, I release a parody of the Napoleonic Wars, known as "The Brickish Empire" in a highly praised naval combat animation. 

A few days after this video, in Spring 2020 as the World entered a global pandemic, my beautiful son Bobby was born and stop-motion had to take a back seat. However, I used this time to learn Blender and the Mecabricks plug-in, and carried on my idea for the series, releasing a couple of teaser trailers... 

The Blender film is a big project which will one day be finished, but in the meantime, LEGO-Compatible Napoleonic Minifigures have become much more accessible, and I've found myself going full-circle back to physical LEGO, which will be the focus of this blog.

I aim to mix historical insight with images and videos, reviewing animations, figures and MOC's - so pull off those muddy boots and take a seat around our camp-fire, as we explore the world of Napoleonic Bricks! 


P.S. Just to clarify, and I'm sure you're not thinking this is an official website... but just incase... ahem: LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site
