New LEGO Animation - 95th Rifles Defend the Sandpit at Waterloo, and the KGL defend La Haye Sainte


Ever since watching Sharpe, the 95th Rifles have always been a fascination for me, and I'm aware I'm not alone in this. Sadly Bernard Cornwell sent Sharpe to fight for "Silly Billy", The Duke of Orange, but the story of the 95th at Waterloo is worth telling!

The 95th impressively managed to have elements of all three battalions present at Waterloo. The 1/95th were stationed in the sandpit near La Haye Sainte, which was a small quarry, and at the top of the ridge nearby. It is this area of the battle that this animation focusses on.

The figures used are from the exceptional Compatible Napoleonic range on Aliexpress, and allowed me to recreate the battle on such a large scale. 

I try to pride myself on following historical accounts, but descriptions of exactly what happened in the sandpit aren't as detailed as other areas of the battle. I was still able to piece together what happened during the first assault which is what is featured in this video.

I hope to continue to make short sections of the battle over time, and will one day amalgamate them all into a longer Waterloo epic video I hope.

Thank you for watching, and reading! 

More content for the website to come soon hopefully!


  1. hi there sir I have watched you on youtube before (qaucking films) but i would like you to review th hessians and italian infantry :)


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