I made Sharpe's Rifles in LEGO - here's how!


Richard Sharpe with his chosen men of Dan Hagman, Patrick Harper, Iasiah Tongue, Harris, Ben Perkins and Francis Cooper

Richard Sharpe and the Chosen Men of the 95th Rifles recently received a LEGO (and LEGO Compatible) remake by me for a LEGO Sharpe tribute video. I used the bodies from the fantastic Napoleonic Wars figures available on Aliexpress (affiliate link) and added various LEGO heads, hair pieces, hats and the occasional custom decal to make different figures from the series. 

In this particular blog post, I will concentrate on Sharpe's Rifles themselves, and in future blog post look at Sharpe's allies and enemies! 

We begin with the man himself...

LEGO Richard Sharpe stands in a Greatcoat and holds his Baker rifle.

In this photo, he wears a greatcoat. I found a custom trenchcoat on eBay, and swapped the arms for dark tan. The body is that of the 95th Rifles officer. I feel like the trenchcoat really does add to the Sharpe feel. Sean Bean's hair was a little varied during the series, the older and more battle-hardened he became, but I felt the mid-length hair was best suited!

Patrick Harper stands in his 95th Rifles uniform, holding his Baker rifle.

Next I created Sergeant Harper. I used the 95th Rifleman uniform. Unfortunately, there isn't yet a specific Sergeant uniform at this point. The stubble was actually from John Snow in a LEGO-Compatible Game of Thrones set that I'd bought off Aliexpress a while ago - you could easily find another stubbly LEGO figure however! I used Finn's hair from LEGO Star Wars.

LEGO Dan Hagman wears his 95th Rifles uniform and fires his Baker Rifle

For Hagman, I used Grand Moff Tarkin's face, from the A-Wing vs Tie Advanced set to represent an older minifigure. This was a face that I used a few times across the video, mainly due to a slight lack of older faces in flesh tone on my part!

LEGO Iasiah Tongue fights with a French Grenadier, in Sharpe's Eagle at the Battle of Talavera

For Isaiah Tongue, a prominent figure in the first two episodes of the TV series (before suddenly disappearing without explanation), I used the classic "Angry Clone" face for this recreated scene from Talavera, and attached his sword-bayonet to the rifle using a hidden spot of white-tac. The French Infantryman was from Aliexpress, with a swapped head for a shocked one! 

LEGO Harris wears his 95th Rifles uniform and fires his Baker Rifle

To create Harris, I wanted to add a foraging cap, as this was mostly what he wore in the series. To do this, I used the Collectible Minifigure Bagpiper's hat and sprayed it black. I also needed to add the cord of courage to the chosen men, so for this I used a thin strip of white-tac.

LEGO Cooper wears his 95th Rifles uniform and fires his Baker Rifle

Francis Cooper has prominent sideburns, so I wanted to ensure that these were represented! This minifigure's head was from the Lone Ranger series, but I'm sure there are plenty of other sideburn options available!

LEGO Ben Perkins wears his 95th Rifles uniform and fires his Baker Rifle

Perkins was of course the youngest and shortest of the chosen men, so using the short legs was the best way to ensure he was recognisable!


LEGO William Fredrickson from Sharpe holds a sword in his 95th Rifles Officer uniform

William Fredrickson was a Captain of the 60th Rifles, so would have had a slightly different uniform to Sharpe. I felt this was close enough for the purposes of a LEGO video, and so I used the same Captain's uniform as Sharpe. Tarkin's head was used once again, but I blocked out the missing eye with white-tac. You might see a pattern of how I do things here!

LEGO Lieutenant Ayres arrests Rifleman Skillicorne, from Sharpe.

The final rifleman that I created was Rifleman Skillicorne, being arrested by Lieutenant Ayres. Lieutenant Ayres was made from the Dutch Dragoon figure, with arms swapped from a French Curiassier. The cape and bird came from the Black Falcon Falconer figure from the Collectible Minifigure range. 

Thank you for reading this article. I do hope it's been useful and inspiring, and that you enjoyed the finished video too! I'll hopefully discuss the other characters I've made in a separate post in the near future! Why not use the comments section below to let me know what you think?
